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A free, high-quality, public education for all. Every child will receive a free, high quality, equitably-funded, public pre-K and K-12 education followed by diverse opportunities for accessible, affordable vocational or university education.

The challenge: Every child deserves an opportunity to reach their full potential. But our education systems are collapsing under inequity, and it's mostly because of poverty. Students who experience severe economic obstacles perform worse than students who have access to more wealth.

To bridge these gaps and ensure that all children get a real chance at a fulfilling education, we need to address systemic racism and poverty as tangible barriers to learning and future achievement.

Every Black student deserves access to great teaching, equitable resources, and a safe learning environment from grade school classrooms to college campuses. Black students matter and working on their behalf has never been more urgent.

The Nyack Branch  NAACP covers Clarkstown, Haverstraw, Orangetown and Stony Point in Rockland County, NY. 
​The Nyack NAACP  was founded in 1928.  Since its inception, the Nyack Branch has remained vigilant in the struggle for freedom and justice and has acquired significant gains in education, youth work, housing, health, civic engagement and economic development. The Branch also has a great record for addressing education inequities, voting rights, housing discrimination, and racial profiling. 

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